Safety information for the 2020-21 season at the Corkery Rink
We know that you have many questions about the 2020-2021 season, and we hope to provide some clarity on these issues.
With the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic and fluid nature of the Province of Ontario and Ottawa Public Health’s response to it, we can anticipate that processes we put in place now may change based on the most up-to-date recommendations.
We appreciate your flexibility, and we know that the joint effort between the Seasonal Recreation team and our amazing rink operators will enable us to provide a safe and rewarding outdoor skating experience at the Corkery Rink.
The capacity limit will be determined based on recommendations from Ottawa Public Health and will be communicated closer to our rink opening date. Just like playgrounds and splash pads, there will be signage posted indicating the limit and to remind users to maintain a 2-metre distance from others.
Washrooms will be open, and users must adhere to physical distancing and mask wearing requirements.
Yes, a limited number of people will be permitted in the Building. The capacity limit will be determined based on recommendations from Ottawa Public Health and will be communicated closer to our rink opening date.
• Anyone entering the building is expected to wear a mask, as per City of Ottawa By-law. Signage will be posted at the entrance as a reminder.
• Anyone entering the building will be required to read through a self-assessment and provide their name and phone number for contact tracing in the event of an outbreak.
• Individuals and groups putting on skates on the benches will need to maintain a 2-metre distance from those outside their group.
• Cleaning of frequent touch points, such as door handles and railings, (see #1 above), will help to prevent the spread of the virus.
• Hand sanitizer will be provided.
What signage will be posted at the rink?
• Signs reminding participants to maintain a 2-metre physical distance will be posted around the rink and Community Centre.
• Signs reminding participants to wear a mask when entering the building will be posted at the entrance.
• Signs containing the health assessment questionnaire will be posted at the entrance.