Traffic Calming Update
Please find summary observations for data received recently from the councillor’s office. The data covers the period of January 1 to April 4, 2019.
- The data was captured during winter months and therefore I would expect the speed pattern to be slightly lower than in the summer months given the weather and road conditions.
- More than one third of vehicles are travelling 65 km/h and over.
- The maximum speed is provided on a daily basis and I have included the highest for each month as well as the average for the daily maximum speed.
- Some of the maximum speeds maybe attributed to 1st responders heading to the fire hall, as the speed board is on their path.
- The lowest daily maximum speed recorded is 82 and the highest daily maximum speed recorded is 141 (Feb. 17 2019).
- Time of day was not provided and if available would be useful in tracking speed trend more in depth.
I hope to be able to continue to monitor the speed trends and receive data on a periodical basis. The summer months may prove to be a bit higher than winter months. I would like to pursue other measures with the councillor’s office in the near future. The traffic calming measures are helping however in my observation and as mentioned by others on the CCA community Facebook there are still many speeding excessively, especially near the park when soccer, t-ball and other activities are underway. I am alarmed at seeing the maximum high speed data that occurs on a daily basis, but not surprised given my own personal observations on a daily basis.
I wish to thank Councillor El-Chantiry and Sylvia for their ongoing support! The edge lines were recently painted and replacement signs were installed on two sections of the Old Almonte Road that have been problematic as well.